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AKG Jobs

- Japan - Yokohama City, Kantō

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Quality Manager (m/f/d)

Tradition and Innovation

Since 1919 the AKG Group is a specialist in the field of heat transfer. Our group of companies is financially sound, innovative and expanding. With about 3.000 employees at 14 locations in Europe, the Americas and Asia we develop and produce heat exchangers for a multitude of application areas and branches.
AKG Japan Ltd. is the Japanese sales and engineering office of the AKG Group in Yokohama, founded in 2008, and very successful in the construction machinery, mining, genset, railway and wind power markets.

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Record damage reports
  • Check customers’ claim information
  • Decide whether damage reports are qualified according to agreements with customers
  • Forward damage reports to sister plants
  • Check repair possibilities and estimate costs
  • Process repair orders carried out in Japan, including procurement and organization
  • Review and translate damage reports from sister plants and forward to customers
  • Suggest design changes if necessary
  • Follow up on preventive measures introduced


Job Qualifications

  • Complete technical education
  • Basic knowledge of aluminium welding and brazing is an advantage
  • Experience in QM
  • Knowledge of English; Chinese is an advantage
  • Knowledge of Japanese (at least N 2 level)
  • Computer knowledge (Excel, SAP)
  • Willingness for occasional assembly work


Starting Date: As available